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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It never fails to amaze me how lucky I am. Like... effortlessly lucky.

Truthfully, I wasn't so sure I was going to do well for A levels this time, I slacked like big time. I probably spent like more time with youtube than with my books so I was like expecting a really bad grade or something. Perhaps cause of that, for the first time in my life I was super nervous about going back to school and getting my results.

Thankfully Mr Tong came over and said the 'congratulations, you did extremely well.' to me. If not I probably would have just fainted from the excitement when I saw my name on the six distinctions like.

SIX DISTINCTIONS!!!!!!! (B in Chemistry but that was expected)

Can you believe it? Because I totally can't! LIke... there was my name along with a few other muggers who mugged for eons to get up there.

Life really isn't fair huh?

I know.

I think most of my good friends did fairly well. Wenhui got three As, but her GP wasn't very good so she's kinda in deep shit now. Aiwen and Qiqi got two As which should be sufficient to get them to most courses they want.

Other did mostly okay... though I know some I really disappointed because they did worse than expected. To those, pick yourself up and carry on. Life doesn't change cause you got one less A. Jia You!

So I guess I'm more or less going to LSE. Think I'll really really miss Singapore. Awwwww.....


Signed Off @ 3:41 AM

Thursday, March 06, 2008

After some help from Aiwen, I finally fufilled my wish to go back to JYPS to do relief teaching.

Truthfully... teaching really is alot harder than it seems, especially when faced with a rowdy class that can't wait to climb over your head just because you're new and inexperienced.

Still... I think its rather enjoyable, seeing these juniors work towards their futures, hanging out with other RTs and some of my ex- teachers, looking after adorable P1s and 2s... (soooo cute!>.<) Thus, I decided that even though I almost vomited blood from taking 5/5... I shall stay on in JYPS in term 2 and do my part for my alumnus.


Results are coming out in like...

4 and a half hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Signed Off @ 5:46 PM

The Gurl
Introduce yourself here =))

My Wishlist
Good A level grades
Acceptance by Uni
Fun Job!
Guess Bag
New Shoes
New Guess Wallet
Fashion Design marker set
More time and money to shop
Lose weight
Be nicer to people
updated @ 8/1/08

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Looking Back
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# February 2009

The Applause
Designer: Siew Min
Basecodes: theBENDANs
Inspirations: Sandra Agnes Maggie Vanessa
Materials: x x x
Image Edits: Paint Tools