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Monday, November 26, 2007

SAT's coming and totally giving me a headache. All the words to remember and understand. And even worse when they are reflecting the biggest problem in my life now.

Ambivalent: Not sure whether you want or like something.

Originally, we were ambivalent about their new job. It could potentially harm our friendship, but an extra source of income could do them good. However, problems began occuring sporadically.

Sporadic: Happening fairly often but not regularly.

The harm that it was bringing to our friendship and to their lifestyles was incontrovertible, yet, they acted like they were infallible and we acted impervious.

Incontrovertible: Definitely true and impossible to be false

Infallible: Always right and never maing mistakes

Impervious: Not affected

That was the biggest mistake we made and it soon became the divisive problem amongst us. When we tried to stymie their plan to prevent them from falling deeper into that endless pit, it only egged on their doggedness to succeed in that. Their spurious argument was invidious and eventually, one hit broke the cracks already appearing in the egg of our friendship.

Stymie: To prevent someone from doing what they planned or want to do

Doggedness: Determination to continue doing something

Spurious: Arguement not based on facts or good thinking

Invidious:Unpleasant and offensive

\A levels are finally over... but somehow... I'm not feeling as estatic is I presumed I will be. Lots of things has happened... non stop shopping... meeting up old friends... are pre prom madness... and most significantly... the closing of the JYPS campus... which marked the first crack in our friendship.

Its saddening to know that our beloveed school where we forged our friendship is tearing down, there is still that heartwarming feeling when we went back to visit and talk to the teachers Ms Pang, Ms Cheng, Mrs How and many more...

But none of us knew that it would probably be the last peaceful and happy outing we will have. The moral I've learnt is that never ever underestimate how fragile your friendship is. There is no such thing as a strong friendship that never breaks, whether is breaks or not depends on your hardwork to preserve it.

I have lost many friendships I cherished, most of them merely faded away because we never put in the effort to maintain it... but this was different. We put in so much effort over the years, we shared so many memories and everytime it felt like it was fading, we pulled ourselves together again. But this time, I know it'll never be the same again.

Signed Off @ 5:44 PM

The Gurl
Introduce yourself here =))

My Wishlist
Good A level grades
Acceptance by Uni
Fun Job!
Guess Bag
New Shoes
New Guess Wallet
Fashion Design marker set
More time and money to shop
Lose weight
Be nicer to people
updated @ 8/1/08

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Looking Back
# April 2006
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# May 2007
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# November 2007
# December 2007
# January 2008
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# August 2008
# February 2009

The Applause
Designer: Siew Min
Basecodes: theBENDANs
Inspirations: Sandra Agnes Maggie Vanessa
Materials: x x x
Image Edits: Paint Tools