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Sunday, July 15, 2007

I officially conclude that I have contracted the "Anti- mugging" Syndrome. Symptoms include detest of mugging and muggers, freak out when I'm surrounded by a room full of muggers... and react "Eww! Freak!" Upon hearing my friends actually mugging.

I don't know what overcame me but somehow on the way i started to hate this type of mugging life more and more. It doesn't seem to make sense at all. The idea of mugging actually scares me and everytime i force myself to sit down and study i wanna run away in five minutes.

Meanwhile... just like in "harry potter and the order of phoenix", i can see more of my friends following to the dark side. Just today, I went to the library and saw like all the 29 girls mugging including my fellow powerpuffs. Hello... we're Superheroes, doesn't that give us immunity from mugging. Not only them but also bek and her class, cherlyn and loads more. I was getting the shivers, so i made and excuse and ran.

Mugging is like so... I don't know... unchic....? Just something absolutely disgusting. So I'm coming up with all sorts of methods to pass without actually studying. For example, actually listening in class for once. Like for Econs, my favourite subject amongst all the subjects I loathe but dumbly took, I just have to pay attention to all the crap Mr Chan says in lessons and without studying much, i can actually pass rather decently. And GP, which is kinda inborn i guess.

But for sciences and math which actually requires you to at least study... I'm sorry to say is in a terrible state.

Oh gosh! Save me.


Signed Off @ 11:45 PM

The Gurl
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My Wishlist
Good A level grades
Acceptance by Uni
Fun Job!
Guess Bag
New Shoes
New Guess Wallet
Fashion Design marker set
More time and money to shop
Lose weight
Be nicer to people
updated @ 8/1/08

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Basecodes: theBENDANs
Inspirations: Sandra Agnes Maggie Vanessa
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