Sunday, January 28, 2007
I really hate myself sometimes for being such a big mouth. I knew it'll hurt her, it'll make her sad... but yet... i had to go say it out. There's just this weird enzyme in me that makes me blab uncontrollably. Or maybe because she really wanted to know the truth.
Its weird you know, us humans, knowing the truth will hurt us so deeply, yet all the more we want to find out.
It was a blatant fact that she really loved him... i don't understand how he could be so blind as to not see. And to my dear friend... I'm really sorry that I made you cry with the things we started talking about. I didn't know you were so affected by it. But i suppose its about time you let lose. Don't bottle things up too much... i mean... that's what friends are for. Even though we can't really help... we'll always be there to be your listening ear.
We had kind of a dramatic, emotional session and of all weird places... the library. Can you imagine a whole library of people mugging or napping and four girls sitting around whispering and baring their souls. Not quite a sight you'll chance on anyway.
Anyway... it was totally my fault... i started with the weird... scandals I saw on Saturday and about how uncomfortable i felt seeing it. I mean... i don't understand how these guys can say they love someone only to change after a few months? Wasn't the whole point of confessing in the first place... was a chance at love forever and evermore?
Apparently that doesn't seem to exist anymore does it?
But i'm glad we had that talk. The few of us haven't seemed to have such a soul baring conversation...
May broke down and I dwelled into things i usually don't mention. Yulin too bared her little secret. Cherlyn's ... haha... cold blooded as ever.
But I'm glad May did. She bottled things up too much that we all knew she was on the brink of a break down. And i was really worried that one day she will lose herself... but I'm glad she poured her feelings out today. Perhaps only with coming to terms with both her feelings and the current situation... can she truly move on and give someone who deserves her more a chance.
As more me, i didn't really know what overcame me... but we started talking about our families and I was reminded of the broken state our family currently is in. I never quite understood the term a blissful family... was it because i never really felt love in mine?
All the conflicts and quarrels one after another, only makes me all the more want to escape. The whole family... seems so... hypocritical. On the surface... we're the well to do family with loving parents and obedient children with good grades... but underneath, we are almost like strangers. I no longer know how to hold a conversation like them... perhaps one day... i will fly away and never return... just like my heart has been longing too.
A friend once asked me, " Won't you be sad then? To leave your family, break off ties, only to regret years later that you should have spent more time with them?"
I thought really deeply about it? Was it better to suffer in their presence and never ever appreciate the goodness of having family? Or was it better to leave them and perhaps one day learn to miss their presence?
Only another year to my freedom...
Friday, January 26, 2007
Finally some more excitement pumped into my getting stagnant school life. Ever since school reopened... okay... perhaps with the exception of orientation days... its been lectures, tutorials, trainings. On and on and on...
And its worse that i:
1. Sleep in lectures
2. NEVER do my tutorials (Often causing the tutors to eye me with venom0
3. Almost openly quarrelled with the freakin old hag GP tutor
4. Fail ALL my tests
5. Always can't seem to catch up during runnings
6. Stone during trainings and kena from Mr. Au
7. Have all the weird old injuries coming back all at once
Luckily some happenings are finally happening. Our Alpha HC organised our first house event of the year, intra house Captain's ball championships. And with the looks of it, Alpha owning captain's ball at sports day again this year doesn't seem to be that hard at all.
I was refereeing at first and got kinda bored when i saw our class. Sorry to the other girls cause i was really too bored that i snatched your places to play. Anyways... our class totally kicked butt in the beginning. I was sooooo totally shocked cause last year we were the ones who were being kicked ass. Totally lost every match in roundrobins.
Anyway... this year, we defeated even the most pro year one class 25/07 and went on to semis. Too bad... we were against the ever pro 09/06 who imported some 05/06 people like Judith and some no longer in 09/06 and 05/06 people like serene and jon and this weird guy whom we all suspect isn't even from alpha.
So I mean... with all those imported foreign talents... how are we true blue 13/06 citizens gonna fight. But we fought anyway and we came darn close but lost by one in the end. Oh well... at least we weren't trashed.
We soooooo thought we were going to beat 21/06 in 3rd-4th finals cause they were kinda trashed by 17/06 in semis and we really did trash them...only in the beginning. It was something like 8-nil when the guys got complacent and started fooling around.
I was playing captain and getting totally irritated when i noticed the score drawing nearer with their playing and before we knew it... we were on par... we started that tug of war again when finally, just before the whistle... 21/06 scored one and beat us... BY ONE AGAIN!!!!
Lesson we learn from history AND 13/06:
But anyways... three cheers for 13/06 who washed off our lose every match branding!
I think highlight of the week is still the MSH chalet.
Went to meet up with my MSH buddies on thursday. Totally chionged home after PE and then out again to meet Ever, Anna and Jethro at Tanah Merah. Missed my sistas. We missed the freakin shuttle bus which drove past without stopping and had to cab in.
It was kinda weird in the beginning cause it was all the supervisors sitting around and all the newbies we didn't know. We were like the oldies who didn't fit. We sat around quite along time and stoned till the food came and we continued to stone and eat cause we had nothing else to do.
Thankfully... all the oldies came back around eight. Dingyuan, Darryl, Siangwei, Liting etc and we decided we had enough of standing next to the food table and feeding our "spare tyres" that we decided to go bowling.
It was a fierce match between Ian team and Ray team in which me and Ever vs best two of Ian, Darryl and Siangwei. We totally kicked ass in the beginning when i started off with TWO STRIKES!!!! Woohoo.... didn't know i had bowling in me!
Then, my power died on me and they slowly caught up. Think we lost by about five in the first round. The second round, my skills dipped to the new low... it was drainage almost every single time... though i think i beat Marco still who had five consecutive ones.
We were just having fun when the alley was closing. Which freak chalet bowling closes at 10.30? Anyway... Anna, Dingyuan and others left first to catch the last shuttle bus out while we stayed on a while more cause i can hitch a ride from Ever's dad.
The minute we went back, we started gambling with Ian. We played Big Two betting ten cents per card and although i took out only forty cents... by the fourth match i had a two dollar note! =D
Then, Zhi Hao came over and kept bugging Ian to start another game in which he could play too since the table was full but Ian refused so he came over to me and asked if he could play a round. But after that... he just stuck on and FORGOT to return me my seat. I was kinda pissed off but just let go and went to play some weird card game thingy with Junliang and god knows who's the other guy.
Anyway... we wanted to whack the person who loses so i suggested taking something to hit the soles of our feet, which from experience being hit by Miao... hurts like shit. Lucky me, i was the first to suffer from my own punishment and Junliang was the executor who cruelly put so much strength that the chopstick broke! WAHAHAHAAH!
Anyway... the other guy totally took revenge for me by hitting JL back when he lost. YAY!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
May was just complaining about the stagnant state of my blog. Since i have a teeny bit of time... shall blog a little about my Hongkong trip.

We got to hongkong airport rather on time but we were so fascinated with the fact that we were finally in Hongkong and were so lost in the humongous airport we took two hours to get out.
We took the ultra cool and fast Airport express to our hotel where we met up with Wenhui's friend Elson.

Me at this cool fast food restaurant selling hongkong food Elson took us to.
Roast duck rice... yum!

Went to walk around after that. This is the beautiful clock tower by the harbour. Kinda looks like Europe doesn't it?

The poser guys. But they do kinda look like a boyband don't they? They're called "Celcius" aka "She Shi Du"

Left our footprints at Avenue of Stars. Guess who's shoe's who's.

This is damn farnie. They were trying to enact a scene from a wuxia movie.

We went to Mongkok's Women's street that night and bought lotsa stuff from accessories to scarfs and caps to even BEDSHEETS!!!!! Saw loadsa interesting stuff like the Macdonalds french fries lorry parked outside KFC.

Took the 'Jiu Guan Tie Lu' to ShenZhen. It was freezing when we got there.

Dunno why we got fascinated by the communist police. Especially one who picked this Taiwanese girl and retained her at the immigration and when she asked him to speed up as there were people waiting for her he went "WHAT ATTITUDE ARE YOU GIVING ME?" Wahahaha! Classic siah... You'll never ever find that in a Singapore police.
Anyway... we pulled one to take photo with us and you could tell he was so amused that he was trying hard not to "Am Chio (Secretly smile)"
Talking about police... we met a whole group of Singaporean police too. The whole process was kinda coincidental. Wee shuin's friend Kevin brought us around Shenzhen and we wanted to give him something as momento so we took a Singapore two dollar note and all signed on it to give him when the police caught us "red- handed".
But they were really very sporting and said... "Hey! Not fair. Gimme a Mao Zedong note to draw on too!!!"

Anyways... here's a picture we took with Kevin who so generously left his shop and took us around the "real" Shenzhen, i mean, the parts not totally infested with Tourist cheating shop owners.
DAY 3:

Had a totally sumptous breakfast of Hongkong's specialty "Po Lo Bao" and "French Toast".
Set off for Ocean Park...

The guys being totally retarded and trying to take photos for their "She Shi Du" pictorial... Wahaha!

Our Ocean Park Tickets. So cute!!!!!

All se7en of us. Kinda got that neoprint effect huh?

Qi, Me and Hui on the water ride. We got totally wet on this one.

This is like the CUTEST and NICEST thing I've eaten ever. Kinda don't wanna eat it coz its like sooooo cute!!!!! Haha... bought like 10 boxes back!
Series of dumb pictures we took with the free fall thingy. Actually... in reality it wasn't really that scary.

Miao-- 100% excitement!!!!!

Qi's a brave girl.

I'm like terrified!!!!!

Wenhui's enjoying her ride =D

Zhi Tao : "Weeeee!"

Wee Shuin's falling off his seat.

Jelvin's... err... DEAD.

After Ocean Park Elson took us up the Peak to view Hongkong's night scenary. Really very pretty. And when you lean against the railing the wind is so huge you can feel yourself almost flying up!
Day 4:
We changed tour guide again today. First day was Elson, second was Kevin, Third was Elson again and finally... today is Pearl... Weeshuin's girlfriend who happens to be back in Hongkong for the holidays.

This is some local nice porridge that Pearl took us to near her house.

Look at the amount of soft toys we have in our room after ocean park... There's "gungun", the huge panda I bought, there's "hei Bai Pei", the flat panda wenhui bought, there's qi's pink jelly fish, and the rest are some small ones the guys won for us at the games stations.

Us at the pretty Christmassy times square.

Hehe. Nice picture of us at the MTR station.

Hmm... where shall we go today?
Well... we went to Jordan for breakfast, then back to Tsim Sha Tsui to shop,
then to central area, Tung Chung and finally back to women's street!

Went around taking dumb photos... i mean... afterall... its our last night.

What's everyone so shocked about?

Haha! Stole Zhi Tao's cap to play with for a while.

Kinda sad our trip came to the end... maybe we'll go again someday.:)