Saturday, October 28, 2006
Happy Birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy Birthday to Wee Shuin

Happy Birthday to you

These are photos we took weeks ago during Weeshuin's birthday. Kinda didn't have time to upload them.
As a custom, the birthday boy is supposed to give a birthday kiss. Okay... I know most of the time its the other way round but since Pearl wasn't there... it'll do.
He tried to fake one with Jason. Look how paiseh Jason is...
Of course we wouldn't settle for that. Nows Zhitao's turn.
Perhaps after Zhitao's lip lock with Miao last december, this didn't seem much of a biggie afterall.
After creating a huge din at Han's, maybe its time to take action and buy their food.

The food looks great doesn't it?

Especially when its laid out like that filling up the entire table. Took bad it doesn't taste half as good as it looks. The soup seriously sucked. KEEP AWAY FROM HANS PEOPLE!!!!!

We ended up having loadsa left overs and we decided to lump them all together and play 'The Ultimate Number' in which the loser has to eat. The one in the picture is a combination of marble cake, potato soup, tabasco, salt, and lemon juice.
Round 1: Guess who got to eat that?
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Met up with 409 on sat for pot luck at Mr. Tan's house.
Its really crazy to realize I miss my pals soooo much and yet I haven't seen them for so long. But it was kinda a relief to know that I wasn't the only one isolated in my far temasek corner. Basically everyone hadn't really met up until that day.
Weird that even the Hwa Chong peepz were like... "Hey gurl... long time no see!" to each other when they were in the same school. Me and XT see each other like almost everyday...
The pot luck was good but it was mostly snacks... no real food but there were loadsa ice cream though. Kia, Ever and me finally made plans for our movie marathon we put off for ONE WHOLE YEAR. We seriously have to get it done... or we'll find ourselves wondering ten years later what the hell happened to our movie marathon. Met other pals like Suyi, Zhang, Daphne, Cheresa... Almost the entire class came.
I was kinda worried that it'll be awkward since Cheresa and Jayce weren't on speaking terms and there were rumours that Cheresa changed and everything but I didn't feel that way. We just interacted naturally just that Cheresa and Jayce didn't and I felt Cheresa was still her.
By the way... WE'RE OFFICIALLY GOING TO HONGKONG!!!!!! All thanks to ben da xiao jie.
The guys were really stuborn and I almost quarrelled with Miao several times over this issue cause I insisted on going to hongkong but he wanted to save a few hundred and go on a stupid cruise.
I mean... even little kids know that cruise advertisements can't be trusted and he actually believed that there's all those entertainment stuff on the cruise. Half of it were casinos and clubs larh... we also can't go in... go cruise for what?
In the end we settled for a chalet at my house (yes... my house AGAIN!) before we fly off straight. Okay... not flying from my house technically but basically that we go to the airport from my house and fly off from there. I'm so psyched for the trip... hehehee....
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Hmmz... seemz like a totally long time to be not blogging especially since the sucky promos have ended. Like so totally slacking... just go out eat sleep and watch TV. Life of a rotter.
Anyways... first day after promos went with May, Yulin and Cherlyn to NYDC for a fab dinner and then watched John Tucker must Die.

Think it was a totally fab movie about feminism... yet bimbotic at the same time... thank god I caught it before it was over. The tickets were like totally all sold outlarh...
Think NY's last day of year end exam was that day too... met some of my choir juniors at orchard but couldn't really remember their names so I didn't go say hi. LIke... it would be totally kinda awkward if I went up and said... "Hey... you're my Junior rite? Like... err... what's your name... I can't remember..."
Aniwaez... went for job interview for Starhub and True Yoga too but i don't think I got the job. I mean... if they haven't called you for like almost a week it means they're not gonna call you rite? Haiz... whatever... think i'll just take up Miao's offer to work at Vivo city even though its totally far and there's no one so it'll be totally boring and Kipling bags are absolutely hideous so its not very good to sell.
Yesterday we celebrated Wee Shuin's birthday even though his birthday is on the 19th. Stupid Wenhui wanted to celebrate his birthday when she didn't know when it was... haha.
Anyways.... went shopping with her at bugis for his present and I was kinda shocked at my self- control... i actually didn't buy ANYTHING AT ALL!!! Guess i was worried I won't have enough for dinner or something.
Think the celebration was quite successful even though the cake was kinda ugly and squashed and the food and Han's seriously sucked. The chicken was soooooo hard and I couldn't like cut it normally i had to pry it open... [Miao said like that no Tai- tai look liao... whatever man... like I wanna be Tai- tai in the first place]
There were loadsa leftover food in the end... proves how bad it really was... and we had to play good old Zhong Ji Mi Ma to clear some of it and they made it really disgusting like cake dripped with potato soup and tomato ketchup and pepper and tabasco and all sorts of weird things... I ate like twice but luckily mine were the milder kind. Wenhui was the most unlucky... hers was so bad she had to spit it out. Wahahah... they even videod Wee Shuin kissing Zhi Tao at the restaurant...
After totally embarrassing ourselves at Hans we finally decided to leave and we went up to the so called "VERY NICE ROOFTOP!" wenhui insisted we go to. But then it was kinda weird cause the haze made it not that nice and it was ALL COUPLES there... we were so outta place.
In the end we went to this area outside this restuarant which wasn't open yet and used their chairs and played "Shui lai jie zhao" [Who takes the blow?] and made sooooo much noise the restaurant peepz had to chase us away. Too bad... we had fun anyway... and I'm glad that we all got back together... I mean... it was weird leaving us in the mood we were in during mooncake festival where Miao and Wee had some conflicts and Miao left rather unhappily early and Wenhui and Zhitao had some arguments over msn...
Kinda pissed off though... dunno why they changed their minds again and decided that we shouldn't go HK. I REALLY WANNA GO HK... arh... suck... now their like deciding to go on a cruise or something. That is like... ugh... so boring...
Friday, October 06, 2006
I mean... all my papers sucked which was kinda upsetting considering that I studied more than usual. Even Math, my most confident subject... I'm positive I'll fail. Which totally sucks larh.
Then I was really looking foward to Lantern festival... but initially the turnout was quite bad and we couldn't decide on the location so Miao and Weeshuin kinda got into a quarrel... haiz... so the rest of the night was kinda spoiled.
Today's the opening of Vivocity and I really wanted to go check it out. Think Miao must think I'm crazy... say cannot go... then say can go... then say cannot go again. All coz of my dad.
Say wad exam not over cannot go out.... purlease... like I stay at home will study like that! Even if I will... U DON'T LET ME GO OUT ALL THE MORE I WON'T STUDY. At least if you let me out I will feel guilty and study more...
Whatever... kinda pissed off now...
Thursday, October 05, 2006
After days of mugging, no matter how hard you try... you are bound to die.
Like math... I thought it was my most confident subject. Well... i didn't study for JCTs and I got like 60 which was kinda what i predicted.
But this time... i think i studied a bit and what? I finished like 70% of the paper only larh! And that does not include some that i gave up halfway... This is so demoralising. But anyway... one more paper left. Just gonna enjoy my mid- autumn fest then mug a little over the weekends and then I'M OFF!!!!!
Watched Project Runway to cheer myself up last night. Its totally my favourite show. It was soooo exciting... they got to design the evening gown for Miss USA... so cool larh!
Think Keane totally deserved to win. Its one of the few times I am in full support for him to win... that challenge I mean... Normally i quite like the winning one but not my favourite.
But I SOOOO... think Malon should not be out. By any means... it should be Angela or that other guy she partnered with. I mean... Angela didn't EVEN BOTHER TO COME UP WITH A DESIGN. All she wanted was to freeload. How the hell do you freeload in the real industry?
Real designers have pittfalls and have some designs that turn out sucky like the one Malon did. But they still have to experiment... you never know what it'll turn out like... I mean... how many times have a reknowned designer sent down a model in something really weird and you frown thinking "Is that really fashion?"
Malon so deserves another chance even though he's like kinda drag queenish. And his story bout how he self- taught to become a designer really touched me. He's just like me... the whole world was against him becoming a designer... but he drew designs and tried secretly...
Think maybe I should give up my dream... so what if I starve? So what if I can't live the luxurious life I'm used to... isn't my passion more important? Will I really be happy if I do something I hate like hell like law or some science and earn loadsa money...?
Or would i be wasting 5,6 years of my life pursuing the degree and career only to revert back to fashion in the end?
Oooh... by the way... I found Chloe's website...
http://www.lot8online.comFeatures some of Chloe's really nice designs not shown in PR2.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Think I've totally lost my motivation to study after Physics and GP. Its like... what's the point?
Think I mugged quite hard for physics paper... or at least harder than normal... but so what? I went into the exam room and I was still... "What the hell is this crap?"
Worse of all is I couldn't FINISH the paper. I think that's the stupidest of all. You study sooooooo hard and you know how to do but you don't have the time to finish and give off marks just because of that. TEN FREAKIN MARKS!!!!!! I counted and I lost TEN FREAKIN MARKS because I couldn't finish my paper 2. And that doesn't included the last few MCQ questions I anyhow filled in.
Even my most confident subject GP... think i totally flopped it too. COuldn't finish AQ and even the parts I wrote think... totally rubbish. My essay... i thought it was okay... but everytime I think its okay its turns out not. Somehow GP teachers just don't like my essay writing style? Like the other time Cherlyn read and said it was good and i like got 17/50 only.
Haiz... Econs and Math... totally going to throw away...