Saturday, September 30, 2006
Jennifer has officially been bitten by the mug bug.
Seriously... its weird that I've been ACTUALLY STUDYING. I'm like so not used to mugging. Even like Os or prelims whatever I hardly mugged. And for PROMOS, I actually studied quite a bit. I mean... its ALOT compared to the amounts I studied for past internal exams. But probably still far less than others.
I finished the whole of TYS... okay larh... MCQ portion only. And I finished Physics and Math 2005 past year paper. And shockest fact of all was I actually went back to school during the studying break for consultation with teacher... and for PHYSICS! My hatest subject.
Think even Iskandar got a shock when he saw me with Wenhui and Qianhui. Think Iskandar is quite nice... but he just can't really explain very well cause like he says he uses equations to solve and I can't remember all these weird equations so I can only rationalise. And seriously... Physics isn't really rationale.
Anyways... after 3 and a half hours of consultation, Hui and I decided to spoil ourselves a little. We went to Century Square's Shilin for Egg+Sausage+Cheese crepe and Oyster Mee Sua cause we've been having Mee Sua cravings ever since I bought the Crepe the last time. Shiok!
Then we deluded ourselves with our HK fantasy again. Seriously... I think its the only think keeping me going... fantasizing about our fantastic HK trip and pushing myself to work harder so I can get good grades and go. We started talking about how we will gorge ourselves on fantastic food in HK much better than this and maybe play our very own "Shi Zi Lu Kou."
After that we went to Coffee Bean to study. Tried Belgium Chocolate Extremed. Initially it was kinda bitter... but it was rather addictive after a while. But... oh wellz... I'm still a die hard Starbucks fan... just that TM starbucks it WAY TOO ROWDY!
It was quite good to study there initially until the stoopid old women moved our stuff to a tiny round table while we were at the toilet and sat there to eat loadsa stuff. Hope they all become fat pigs. SO RUDE LAR! Never ask if they can shift our stuff and never even apologize when we come back.
Anyways... after bout three hours of battling with the SUPER DUPER HARD 2005 Promos math paper... we decided to treat ourselves with 50% Cartel cakes. Oreo cheesecake is quite good. Hui insisted on eating Choc fudge even though I told her she'll get sick of it. In the end she couldn't finish it... can't help giving her the "I told you" look.
So in the end... we spend like more than ten bucks on food... haha... think the ones becoming fat pigs are us.
And moon cake festival isn't even here yet. Waiting we start on our 1000 calories mooncakes.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Okay... I'm like soooo detached from the blogosphere.
My modem was down for like one freakin week and I couldn't surf or blog or anything. I felt so weird... like detached from the world like that. The down side of technology reliance.
But anyway, it was a good thing that i had one less distraction from my studies. I seriously need to chiong, so much to study.
And after like ten hours of physics mugging i still don't understand what the hell is going on. Can anyone be more of a physics retard and still take H2 physics for A levels?
Anyways, life have been depressing with the books piling up and my state of family relations worse than ever.
Dad had gone back to Kuching and I'm left fighting a war alone. Mum and I are still not on speaking terms and I'm barely talking to that brat.
Its good though... not talking is better than quarreling I guess.
But the only times that were happier was saturday night when our gang went out to celebrate Jason's birthday.
I wasn't intending to go cause well... i still had loads to study and me and Jason... well... lets just say we aren't exactly at ease with each other.
In the end Hui and qi were going and Miao said something bout going and rekindling the friendship between me and Jason or something... haha... okay lor... go lo.
But I'm glad I went. It was really fun, Miao and Zhi Tao tricked Jason to walk rounds and rounds in Wisma while we got the cake ready and everything and we started singing 'Happy Birthday' really loud in Wisma outside Ichiban.
Then we went in and ordered food... it was really crazy cause each main course came with like an appetizer, soup, a side dish and another side dish and all sorts of things so each person had like ten plates of things and our ENTIRE TABLE AND PACKED WITH FOOD!!!!! We were like in heaven! Hoho!
My beef rice bowl came with cold toufu, miso soup, chawanmushi, soft shell crab, the soft shell crab dip, fruits and some other stuff. We tried each others stuff and by the time I finished my appetizers and stuff i was full. And i haven't even started on my main course and side dish!!!!!
Haha... in the end i finished like half my soft shell crab and half my beef bowl. Miao took the rest of the soft shell crab as Zhi Tao shook his head in disapproval at my food wastage.
But i was already at my max wad... anymore and I'll puke.
Anyways... we discussed and agreed that we'll go HK! YAY!!! LOtsa shopping.
THen they were like "Let's work hard for the first month and earn our expenses for the trip" then i added "Then i'll beg hard for my daddy to sponsor my trip!^-^" THen everyone gave me the -_-''' look.
Heyz... not that I'm not gonna work! Just that my pay will NEVER be able to cover my expenditure so I'll plead with dad to sponsor my plane ticket, hotel, food etc and my money can be used for SHOPPING!!!!!
I am soooooo... gonna bring back loadsa stuff. I mean... the no. one advantage of going with guys is that you have loads of free labour to help you carry your shopping right. Seriously... it will be my first trip with guy friends. Hoho! Normally go with girls then no one can help you cause everyone's equally loaded with shopping bags.
After we finished our dinner and rested enough to walk again we just randomly walked around orchard and took the lift up mandarin hotel just for fun and looked at the scenery... which wasn't exactly that fabulous from the fifth storey swimming pool gallery. :(
We were totally going crazy imagining we were in HK already. haha!
But one thing that saddened me was my long detachment from the orchard scene. While everything used to be so familiar and I used to complain that stores should change their displays more often cause i was getting bored of seeing the same stuff every trip, I felt so foreign there and I couldn't even shop with the guys there.
NVM... i'll do all the catching up in HK!!!!!
Played Pig heart attack on the MRT and recieved numerous stares but hanging out with the gang is always so fun. Hehe!
Hope promos quickly end (No! Cannot! Haven't finish studying!) and hope the HK trip quickly comes.
But before that... there's always the lantern festival to look foward to, isn't it?
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Especially when you have to do it for one ENTIRE week and cannot go out or watch TV or play the computer at free will and UNDER SURVEILLANCE CAMERA. I know that was done cause of the shit my bro is in but seriously... i feel like a prisoner.
Normally at least I'll feel a little bad cause I'm grounded for something I did or what... but seriously... All I can say is that I'm borned into the wrong family.
I feel suffocated. APGP and Integration and Organic Chem and Market Structure. All this shit is killing me. And facing that brat 24/7 makes me wanna murder him for sharing his shit with me.
Surprisingly... I'm looking foward to school reopening. You would too if you were in my shoes... and you bet I'll stay out as late as I can...
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Its really been a crazy week. !xoPHA ended with a blast and a whole crazy weekend celebrating Qi's birthday.
Teacher's day was okay i guess, great job Yingxiu, May and com but i totally wasn't in the mood. No great teachers to celebrate for and May had to do SC stuff, Yulin went with the DHS soccer peepz and Cherlyn actually wanted to pon teacher's day to mug! Thank god for darling Wenhui.
Met up with Birthday girl Qi for some serious shopping I was deprived of for weeks. Meanwhile, Miao called me up for some reason both of us forgot and said he was meeting up Zhi Tao. In the end, we decided to combine outings...
Me and Qi started shopping while waiting for 2pm to eat 30% at pastamania but I guess the hunger took away all our concentration and for once shopping didn't seem that appealing. When the clock struck two...

We zoomed down to Pasta where Miao came to join us. He's taking on identity of Lam Aiwen today cause Hui is coming to join us later. [ The other time he was Jennifer Lam cause i couldn't go to wildwild wet with the girls and he took my place.]
Anyway, he wanted to like walk ten feet away from us for fear other friends he met would misunderstand him to be gay or a flirt. Seriously... that has happened soooo many times shouldn't he be used to it by now? But he's really quite poor thing, had to wait outside while me and qi shopped in girly shops cause he felt awkward entering with us.
Guess what i bought?
I spent like $80+ in half an hour for this wallet, a new top and a beaded necklace for tomorrow's Krunk! party.

Miao tried on my necklace and i took a photo of it cause it was really hilarious.
Anyways, Huiz and Zhi Tao decided to Pangsehed us, and we decided to go to Jelvin's house to watch 'The Longest Yard' and 'Fifty first Dates' since 'Legally Blond' wasn't working. It was kinda like an Adam Sandler marathon. The Longest Yard was fabulous... can't really say the same for Fifty first Dates, maybe my migraine was killing me by then.
Wee Shuin came to join us towards the end and we hung out around till nearing midnight. The guys were really nice and offered to cab us home but my mum came to pick us up. See... these are the times I find our guys really sweet and wondered what the hell happened to TJ guys. Maybe the canteen food mutated them into dwarfs but gave them hearts as compensation.
Next day four of us went out to celebrate Qi's birthday. Me, Aiwen and Hui met up earlier to buy her present.

Aiwen's shades are really cool but i guess she's the only idiot who will pay $40 for a topshop sunnie. I swore i saw it at $15 during GSS.

Hui tried it too!

Aiwen started sulking cause all of us started taking her shades to take photos except her...
After some speed shopping we met up with the birthday girl.

We went to the new restaurant in Citylink 'Newyork Newyork' for lunch and it was fantastic.

I saw this on the menu and knew it was a must have.

Qi's mushroom sauce was really squishy and nice too...

The ribs was good too i guess but the entire thing was practically bones. Kinda irritating to keep pulling out bones.

Aiwen actually ordered a burger! But it was a really nice burger...
Took lotsa retarded photos after lunch.

Aiwen hid lotsa weird accessories in her big black tote like this colourful cap and her sunnies.

Meanwhile, me and Qi were the new Guess? girls. My new wallet, my watch and her bag... wahaha!

After lunch we went for some window shopping at Zara. We started trying clothes and snuck a few shots in the dressing room.
All of them liked this shirt Aiwen's wearing except me. They wanted to buy it as a group tee but i didn't want. Hey... i'm totally broke from yesterday's spree. So in the end... only Qi bought it.
Aiwen's really crazy... she purposely picks all the weirdest dresses to try on.

After Zara we went to a few others like Topshop.

Aiwen found this in Dorothy Perkins and sprung for it.
After much walking, Hui dragged us to Pan Pacific's toilet as she insists its more condusive for... bigger business.

We were totally awed by the glam TOILET. There was even a special lady to serve you at the toilet. Toilet waitress?

Qi spotted the Basket and wanted to steal it home. Little did she know it was meant for dirty towels.
Around evening time we headed over to Sentosa for Krunk! We were kinda irritated at first cause we had to get tickets from Sharon's friend Clarence and i thought we were meeting in Sentosa and he thought we were meeting at Harbourfront. Anyway... we had to wait for him and he actually wanted US to wait for Sharon to pass her the tickets. Hello? Isn't he Sharon's friend too?
Anyways... saw loadsa TJ peepz. Rishik and some Beta House Com girl was there... Oooh! Scandalous. Then we saw Jian Ming. Can't believe he clubs! And he was with Clarence's gang. Met Charlene too. Heard Cheresa was there too but didn't meet her.
The event started rather late so we were pissed off we had nothing to do but people watch which was kinda interesting too... There was this super high angmoh gang and this gorgeous girl who kept changing partners.
There were loadsa hot babes and hunks there... too bad we had to leave when the real clubbing started. Think i totally wasted my $18.

We were lucky we managed to catch the last train and by that time... my feet hurt soooo much i took of my heels and walked bare foot. Another minute in them and i will go cripple.

Miao came to meet us after his tourism academy thingy and went home with us but he kinda ignored us the entire trip cause his darling Zhi Tao called him.
Anyways... it was really fun and i really enjoy times with 6/11. We should really hang out more.