Tuesday, August 29, 2006
!xoPHAI'm really really REALLY happy that despite all the screw ups, !xoPHA rawked man! The decor was already rushing and had to pull everyone in even non HC members and even non HC non alpha members. But really thanks to everyone who helped.
Then when the event started, we were totally like... errr... how to start? So me and Amanda basically went around the entire school going '!xoPHA has STARTED! Please go to innospace." Kinda weird for a party huh?
After a while we realised what the problem was. Our food. It didn't attract crowd to our event, it attracted crowd AWAY from it. Eventually we had to like stop the food and pull everyone back to the innospace which was really awkward. Anyway, Andrea started off the dancing and she's really HOT man and after a while of mass dancing the grooving kicked off a little. But it was kinda hard to continuously groove for that long, besides, many there didn't really know HOW TO CLUB! So after a while... everyone disappeared again.
Gosh... it took us extremely long to pull EVERYONE back and had to bring foward our Fashion Parade and Dance Competition. THAT, was when our event REALLY started. People cheered for friends, and posed and stripped (Yinglin and Wilson) and did lotsa farnie actions (Kengmun). And then we had the dance competition which was really hot. Rishik, Imran, Haven (Or "hav a nice day" as he calls himself), May and Bibi were really good but of course, no one could beat Andrea who really got the crowd whoppin'.
So congratulations to May Sze and Andrea who won Best Dressed and Best Dancer respectively and got BEN & JERRY'S VOUCHER!!!!! Really sorry to Aiwen, haha... couldn't get you the voucher... sorry girl.
It was fun. Despite all the rubbish in front... i guess it was a bomb.
Thank god we didn't settle with anything less than innospace. THe ATMOSPHERE RAWKED man!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Think I'm like blogging less and less... Dunno if I'm too busy or simply LAZY.
Aniwaes... time reallie flies huh? Like before i knew it, Tomo and Zhen are like... poof! Gone? Recieved Tomo's sms that she's flying off this morning and I was like... "uh- oh!" I totally promised to meet up with her at least once before she left, Zhen also. I promised to send her off and in the end all of us pangseh except poor Siew.
And then the stoopid !xoPHA was almost screwed up cause of blardie OM. He's such as ass seriously. I wonder why he's Operating Manager for all he does is 'STOP OPERATIONS' and give people shit time. But i think incidents like this reallie show people's true colours and how some people just give up easily which some people take action to fight to the end. Was really impressed with Zihui, the way she suggested we go straight to the principal and the way she talked to the principal. You go girl! I'm all for you as next year's HOUSE CAPTAIN!!!!!
I think i reallie gotta apologise to our HC peepz. Sorrie I put up the "chau bin" (black face) when i heard the incident. I was really pissed off cause all the decor stuff we did would kinda go down the drain and I was really irritated and worried the thing will suck under LT1 which I'm absolutely sure it will.
Thank god its back at innospace. What the hell. Hold up all our work for nothing.
Think Dad coming home totally makes our whole family alot happier. Had a super long talk with him today and made me feel more positive or rather not so uptight about some stuff. And mum's like totally in a good mood, i went into this stoopid craze in Popular and threw whatever I wanted into the basket and mum totally went into a craze and just paid for everything. [4 assesment books >$50, like more than 10 pens and highlighters and a twenty plus Meg cabot book.] Wahaha! I'm not gonna sleep tonight man!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
This is a Freakin' Tiring Week!
Thank god tomorrow is Friday, even though my weekends are like totally packed too... i don't know... weekends seems more mentally relaxing, at least there's no classes.
Had a rather hiong training on Monday, came late cause of the stoopid DCP and HRC meeting about the house tees which kinda ended up with no conclusion too just that most likely we have to redo our designs which i spent freakin long doing. I was soooo damn pissed off! But the comment Shihui made was damn farnie. We were deciding whether to put for example, "alpha" or "alpha warrior" at the back of our tees. Coz like Alpha got "alpha warrior", Beta's "beta Knight", Delta has a weird "Delta dragons" and Gamma?
Then Shihui said "Gamma Dolphins". Hahah! That was sooo random!
Anyways, Mr. Au was kinda weird on Monday, he din give us water break until me and Justine kept complaining that we were gonna faint of dehydration on the field.
Tuesday woke up totally groggy and realised... oh shit... today's 2.4km. I was so frikin tired and my legs soooo super "suan" i dunno how the hell I was supposed to run the damn thing but in the end somehow i completed it. YAY! HUGE IMPROVEMENT FROM LAST YEAR! But still kinda disappointing, 4 more seconds to an A. :(

Wednesday we had testimonial match against the senior team. They sent their first team out for first half and trashed the seniors like hell... 4-0 larh! No. 16 socred TWO GOALS! So pro! Den Yibin one from the midfield, also damn pro. but the last one was kinda lousy. Like just kick in amongst confusion that kind. Then after that they sent in second team for second half and even change keeper larh, those first team players eng eng go in play for two minutes. In the end they ended with a score of 4-3.
Ours the seniors alot pro-er lo. But at least we kept the score to 0-0 before penalties. Played keeper for second half. There was one moment Diana dribbled so close to the goal I got a shock! I was sooooo scared she will kick and score. Luckily one of the defenders cornered her out. I thought the match was gonna end that when Mr. Tong announced penalties. I was totally flabbergasted until Huimin offered to take the shots. Actually i kinda regretted, it will be a great experience larh... but Huimin did well la. Oh... and I realised that Niying is the basketball girl I played soft tennis last time with. Din recognise her in the video.
Today had 5 stations. Think i improve alot this year. Dunno why my past few years sucked like hell. Had 4 As 2 Bs. Soooo happy for my standing broad jump and shuttle run. I jumped 180+ for first few times and A was >190. Then i tried somewhere else and i realised I jump wrongly so i pleaded with the teacher to let me try once more. Den I jump 190! YAY! Shuttle run damn heng la, run with BK whom i think is the fastest in class... my timing was 10.9. Soooo much improvement la.... think almost 1 second improvement.
Tmr still got HC meeting plus training, sat need to buy decor stuff for house function, Sunday need to go down support the FAS match... Next whole week will be full force prep for house function. Gosh! When is this gonna end? I desperately need sleep!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Think I'm totally lost as to what to do, I totally have tons of things to do...
--The GP essay introduction which i just anyhow scribbles three lines. Cheryl Lee is sooo gonna slaughter me. But whatever. She probably won't even tell the difference.
--MY STOOPID CHEM TEST TMR!!! Argh! I've spent like yesterday afternoon, a abit of today morning and the whole of tonight fighting Phenol and Benzene and Carboxylic acid and I officially SURRENDER! I mean... how can anyone finish? THere's like... a neverending amount to study. And every single time I try to concentrate, somehow, the retarded comedy on TV or my new FIR album or some smells from the kitchen seems way more enticing. Of course, ANYTHING is WAY more enticing that ORGANIC CHEM!
And once again... I think I'll fail Chem Test tomorrow.
--Oh and then there's the super long worksheet Mr Tong gave us to fill on ourselves and our Soccer Motto? Like... Huh? My motto is to kick a hundred balls per day?
--And then theres the stupid board proposal amanda asked me to rush and turns out she was talking about the room decor and not the board which means I wasted two whole hours drawing the stupid retro circles.
--I got a feeling there's still like a hundred other things I've chucked into that tremendous pile that's almost collapsing on my table but all I can think of is my lovely bed upstairs... I'm such a Pig!
And I'm totally irritated coz my Stoopid brother keeps hogging the phone so I had to use my handphone to make loadsa calls. And he thinks I'm oblivious to why my phone suddenly disappears for hours and reappears in places I've never been to. Like just now I was about to msg May asking bout the stupid GP thing when it was nowhere to be found. Erhem... i was just messaging XT a minute ago... it couldn't have disappeared.
And guess where it reappeared? Upstairs! I soooooo did not go upstairs. I'm like the laziest person around, I DON'T CLIMB STAIRS FOR NOTHING! He is SOOOO gonna get it from me.
Friday, August 11, 2006
National Day
Soccer girls gathered at Justine's house for Pot Luck in the afternoon. Justine's house is damn big and damn nice larh... so envious... her living room has a superb view. The national Day Parachutist actually flew right in front of us.
We spent the entire afternoon playing Mahjong. Lost quite abit, Shiyi and Huimin were damn pro man. I had very good card but never won. When i won, it was like quite little coz i din reallie noe how to count the "tai".
We brought loadsa stuff like me and Shihui's brownie- ice cream, claud's sheperd's pie, bekah's excessive hotdogs, Huiqi's nuggets, Yulin's grabbed up sushi, simar's mashed potatos and many more.
Too bad I was meeting the six eleven peepz or I could have enjoyed more food and the entire parade right in front of me. I walked a few streets with Simar and met up with Wenhui before we walked over to the Tanjong Rhu river to book a place to watch fireworks. On the way... guess what flew over our heads?

Changed bags with Aiwen since she bugged me for like forever.

Of course and not forgetting... taking picture of da four of us... We're soooo RED!

The guys came soon loaded with snacks and we started eating... YAY!

And the fireworks start... Today's one was sooo much better than yesterday's. The whole "qifen" Zhi Tao was looking for was there too! Sooooo nice larh.

After the fireworks ended we took a group photo and wanted to have dinner but there were road blocks everywhere. In the end, we decided to walk to Geylang for dinner. It was quite far, but since me and Wenhui walked the other time during HC camp, we were rather confident and led the way.

On the way, we had to cut through a dark alley. You know the thing they say about never cutting through dark alleys... well... its absolutely true. Loadsa people went in and out and we thought it should be okay... but when we walked through it, we saw the entire street was lined with hookers waiting to be approached. There were sooooo many of them the guys started hiding behind us and doing stupid stuff like acting gay.
Along the way, we saw quite interesting people too like this chinese girl who's skirts was sooooo short and flew up when the wind blew every single male species turned to stare when they walked past her... even with their wives by their sides.
Then this woman wearing black kept coughing when she walked past Zhitao until Zhitao hid behind Jelvin.
It was so farnie to see the guys so cowardly.
But of course, at the appropriate times, they can be brave too. There was this stretch of road i was so tired i didn't notice my surroundings but I knew the guys suddenly walked faster and surrounded us as we walked. Later on, Wenhui told me there were alot of Ah peks standing around staring at us. DUnno what they staring at larh, we were wearing red t shirt and board shorts. Hello? What part of me are you staring at? Anyways, thanks to the guys anyway. They can be really sweet at times.
The funniest award of the day still goes to Weeshuin who joined us last minute. On the way to join us, he was actually approached by a hooked who asked, "Are you here to look for me?" and he replied "KNN!" and stormed off. Hahaz.
Morale of the story, never walk alone in Geylang.
Still, it was a fun experience...
National Day
Soccer girls gathered at Justine's house for Pot Luck in the afternoon. Justine's house is damn big and damn nice larh... so envious... her living room has a superb view. The national Day Parachutist actually flew right in front of us.We spent the entire afternoon playing Mahjong. Lost quite abit, Shiyi and Huimin were damn pro man. I had very good card but never won. When i won, it was like quite little coz i din reallie noe how to count the "tai".We brought loadsa stuff like me and Shihui's brownie- ice cream, claud's sheperd's pie, bekah's excessive hotdogs, Huiqi's nuggets, Yulin's grabbed up sushi, simar's mashed potatos and many more. Too bad I was meeting the six eleven peepz or I could have enjoyed more food and the entire parade right in front of me. I walked a few streets with Simar and met up with Wenhui before we walked over to the Tanjong Rhu river to book a place to watch fireworks. On the way... guess what flew over our heads?
Changed bags with Aiwen since she bugged me for like forever.
Of course and not forgetting... taking picture of da four of us... We're soooo RED!
The guys came soon loaded with snacks and we started eating... YAY!
And the fireworks start... Today's one was sooo much better than yesterday's. The whole "qifen" Zhi Tao was looking for was there too! Sooooo nice larh.
After the fireworks ended we took a group photo and wanted to have dinner but there were road blocks everywhere. In the end, we decided to walk to Geylang for dinner. It was quite far, but since me and Wenhui walked the other time during HC camp, we were rather confident and led the way.
On the way, we had to cut through a dark alley. You know the thing they say about never cutting through dark alleys... well... its absolutely true. Loadsa people went in and out and we thought it should be okay... but when we walked through it, we saw the entire street was lined with hookers waiting to be approached. There were sooooo many of them the guys started hiding behind us and doing stupid stuff like acting gay.Along the way, we saw quite interesting people too like this chinese girl who's skirts was sooooo short and flew up when the wind blew every single male species turned to stare when they walked past her... even with their wives by their sides.Then this woman wearing black kept coughing when she walked past Zhitao until Zhitao hid behind Jelvin.It was so farnie to see the guys so cowardly.But of course, at the appropriate times, they can be brave too. There was this stretch of road i was so tired i didn't notice my surroundings but I knew the guys suddenly walked faster and surrounded us as we walked. Later on, Wenhui told me there were alot of Ah peks standing around staring at us. DUnno what they staring at larh, we were wearing red t shirt and board shorts. Hello? What part of me are you staring at? Anyways, thanks to the guys anyway. They can be really sweet at times.The funniest award of the day still goes to Weeshuin who joined us last minute. On the way to join us, he was actually approached by a hooked who asked, "Are you here to look for me?" and he replied "KNN!" and stormed off. Hahaz. Morale of the story, never walk alone in Geylang.Still, it was a fun experience...
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
TJC celebrated National Day on the 8th of Aug.
I must say it was kinda disappointing, far from the crazy, outrageous, everybody get high national day celebrations we had back in NY.
It was... well... okay lah... the morning parade... some REALLIE BORING PERFORMENCES.... the best part was National Day Idol. I felt Poh Kiat and Alvin's team should have won. I mean... its quite hard to harmonize... and they did it so well... and they got packaging. But Krishell really power house larh...

After that we went home to change and met up for "Click". I think it totally rawks larh... the movie was funny, sad and philosopical all at the same time!!!!!! I think its one of the best movies I've watched this year. And Kate Bekinsale is sooooo pretty. Think she's the pearl harbour girl... is she?

Cherlyn left early so only three of us joined the rest for steamboat.

Looks good doesn't it?

I was quite surprised so many of us turned up. Even Weikian and Jie Sheng came larh! Ida came too, and she even brought her boyfriend, but in the end he felt awkward so he left first and she later went to find him.

Some after dinner desert. Hee!

CG 13/06!!! Tada. Look at our disgusted faces at the guys...

Ooh... and we met loadsa people we knew there. Shiyi, Huixian, Yibin... then got the AHS councillors like Nat, Samuel, Mingwei... he took da photos for us...

All da Preetty Girls...

Just in case you missed the fireworks... the view from Marina was fantastic!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Shi Zhen's Farewell dinner
It seems only the blink of the eye and Shizhen is leaving for America. I met up the sixers for a mini farewell party for Zhen. It was only then did i realise how detached I was from my Nanyang life. I hadn't seen them for ages. Last time I saw Shizhen, Kailin and Stelli was June which was still quite recent but last time I saw Suyi was like... err... when I crashed VJC for like 10 minutes? Siew... wah... even further back... can't even remember.

KL seems the only person without much change, Shizhen buffed up alot from her canoeing days, Suyi seems to dress up more, Siew became sooooo Tai- tai... with her sun dress and sunglasses. Hahaz! Stelli is more babellicious than ever. All of us were ogling at her figure.
We went to Country Manna for dinner, the Chicken soup was fantastic, really should go back some day. We spent quite long in there and after dinner we went to shop around for outfits for the Nanyang 89 Retro night. In the end, i picked out this white polka dot dress that showed off Stelli's figure for her. You go girl! Haiz~ Got figure wear anything also nice lo.

We're planning to do something for Zhen and send her off, can't imagine her half the globe away... just hope I won't cry when I send her off.

Thursday, August 03, 2006
Wahhz... super long since i last blogged. About one month leh... i've reallie been a slacker.
Loadsa stuff has happened since, got back all my JCT results which sucked big time... probably explains why I'm in SOOOO MANY remedial lessons that my lessons end uber late everyday. More trainings lately, probably why my ankles are aching like shit. I went to see the physiotherapist the other day, yeah... the same thingy hunghung wants to be, thought i still don't get why...
Apparently the first one just wrote on the paper that it was muscle strain and gave me some retarded cream to apply which totally didn't work and gave me one week MC. And then i went back but this time another physio came and told grandmother stories and told me the pain was due to my flat foot (I NEVER KNEW MY FOOT WAS FLAT!) and asked me to get insoles and visit some dunno wad guy in BUKIT MERAH. Siao... so far.
Oooh... there was also HC JTS which was kinda fun larh. Our seniors are a really fun batch larh... hope we can continue their spirit and energy.

I designed a T shirt for our house too... though its kinda like waiting for approval... I think its kinda cool but its in some weird adobe illustrator format so I can't upload.
Oh and then there's the upcoming house function... I'm absolutely psyched! Wee! Planning a PARTY! What could be more fun?
I'm like in charge of the decor and I'm totally going overboard but who cares... I'm gonna make it a blast and a party TJC hasn't seen before!!!!!! I was soooo excited about the design I spent the whole of econs inspecting the Container classroom's layout so I could use it and totally didn't hear a single thing Ho said. Wadeva.
Oops... gotta go back to my decor proposal:)