Its been a long time since we had a 6/11 outing, and this barbecue organized by Jia Min was kinda successful in a way, we saw appearances of some people who were MIA in the past few years like Shawn and Elaine.
But then again... that bond and feel of Chalet+Christmas+New Year 2005 was kinda gone.

Me and Aiwen wanted to take a picture together but the guys started to scare her with the balloon.

Hehehe! Its gonna BURST!!!! [Jian Zhi and Miao Hua up to no good.]

See... the girls are still better. Diligently organizing the food.

The whole gang at work.

Zhi Tao grabbing the balloon.

The other guys not forgetting play as they start the fire. They claim they're damn pro now that we've had soooo many barbecues.

Yay! Finally one decent photo.

Jian Zhi showing off his Taekwando skills to the impressed Wenhui.

The lovely beach and sea breeze!


Wad we do everytime we meet up...

Take photo together! Besties forever!!

All of us!
Yesterday, me, Swee Huang, Ci Yuan and Wei Ming headed down to orchard road to conduct a survey and I suddenly realised something. The more beautiful you were, the more unapproachable you seem. I had no problems going up to teenagers halfway leaving their geek state, with clothes that tried to make a fashion statement but weren't quite there, or the aunties that simply didn't seem to know the "orchard road dress code", or simply the plain janes who if you didn't look carefully, seemed to blend into the surrounding.
But everytime i wanted to approach a well dressed or even pretty person, i hesitated as if the person might turn around and bite me. Most of them time, i didn't even have the time to approach the person.
Its as if theres a rule stating that all beautiful and well- dressed people have to walk at 200km/h. Why? Are they rushing off to let many more people see how beautiful they are?
I suppose this impression resulted from models, beautiful, cool, aloof and certainly strutting down the runway at lightning speed not letting you catch a second more of their beauty. Is that what people are trying to envision?
But think about it. When you doing bother to dress up and dress in a t- shirt and shorts, do you bother strutting chest out head high, or do you just slouch and stroll all you want? When you spent the last two hours mixing and matching clothes, putting on make up and doing your hair, don't you feel this certain breeze in your face the minute you step out the house? You are suddenly concious that people are staring, their watching, you know your beautiful, and you know others think you're beautiful and you are going to do anything that makes you even more beautiful. You strut around as if on a runway and appear cool and aloof.
That's what models do don't they?